Checking In

How are you guys doing?! Hanging in there? I’ve posted here and there on social media about everything going on in the world right now and it seems we can all agree that we’re collectively in some kind of a state of shock. I know I am with all of the Coronavirus updates. Our priority right now, like everyone else’s, is to stay home, keep calm and help flatten the curve by social distancing.

I didn’t realize I was such an anxious person until everything started coming to light throughout the last seven days. Have your thoughts been all over the place too? We are trying to keep things here as upbeat and normal as possible around the house for Annie. We’ve pulled out puzzles, blocks, built princess towers, played dress up and gone on several neighborhood walks these last few days. It’s hard to imagine that this could possibly go on for longer than a couple of weeks, though. But I’m feeling so blessed to have my family, our new home and the ability to keep food on the table during this time.

This situation has definitely made me appreciate the small and simple things we take for granted in life so much more!

In the coming weeks, I plan to still hop on Lone Star Looking Glass, sharing a peek into what we’re up to, the stylish things I’m stumbling upon along with everyday thoughts & fashion finds. For me, this is not only my business but also an enjoyable escape. I feel like now is a better time than ever for us to pour our energies into our passions if we’re able to do so. If you’re in need of a distraction from the news, I know I definitely am, then feel free to hop on over here as I hope to continue business as usual while being mindful of everything going on in the world right now. Thank you all for following along and supporting Lone Star Looking Glass. As always, you mean so much! My thoughts are with you all at this unprecedented (I feel like we’ve all heard that word a lot lately….) time.

xo, Alice