I’ve always loved wearing plaid, and something about plaid patterns just screams fall to me. Which is why I’m loving this plaid button-up shirt from Boden. Boden is one of my all time favorite British brands. They just launched BodenUSA.com so us yanks over here in the US can get in on their lovely UK fashions too!
Anywho, the weather is starting to a take a bit of a cooler turn (finally), and you better believe I’m taking advantage of this … even if the temperatures haven’t dipped below 75° just yet.
I paired this top with my oh-so-cozy green vest that I’ve had for a while now. Isn’t it the best when it gets a bit cooler out and you all of a sudden have opportunities for layering fun pieces?
Like almost every other stereotypical girl out there, I must admit, I love all things fall.

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