Now that Patrick and I are closing in on our one year anniversary of living in Texas, we figure we might as well embrace all things Texan.
And what better way to start than by kicking off our cowboy boot collection?
Saturday morning we headed to Cavender’s to do just that.
But not before a quick pit stop at Rudy’s for some breakfast tacos. 😉

Rudy’s is a country store and BBQ chain scattered around Texas and the Southwest. I first tried Rudy’s on a work trip to Albuquerque and it was simply divine. (I’m from Memphis, TN …. gotta love my BBQ!) Now having one so close by here in Houston is like a nice little gift to us from the restaurant gods.

Their barbeque and brisket is fabulous. But what’s better than having BBQ and/or brisket in a taco?
For breakfast.
Nothing, that’s what!
Loading up on BBQ sauce at 9:00 in the morning. So normal.
And sure enough the tacos only sat in front of us for a whopping three minutes.
The leftovers (or lack there of) were rolled up into mini foil balls and tossed away.
After filling our bellies, we headed across the road to Cavender’s to check out their boots.
Cavender’s is probably my dad’s favorite place on the entire planet. (Other than Disney World, of course.)
Every time he comes to visit, we come in and out of this store three or four times. Minimum. And now thanks to me dear ol’ dad, I’ve got myself a little obsession with it as well.

After several minutes of oohing and aahing all of the different pairs of boots (and getting ridiculously excited about Rodeo while I was at it) a lovely sales woman named Kathy appeared and offered to help us with whatever way may need.
I was itching to try on these Embroidered Corral Boots after spotting them on Pinterest a while back.

Sure enough, I loved them. But there were still plenty more boots lining the sea of shelves and waiting to be tried checked out.

Patrick suggested I try this exotic pair. After reading the label on the box we discovered these boots are made from Lizard skin. How crazy / amazing is that!?
For some reason they kind of reminded me of the boots that the woman wears in the movie Holes. Random, I know. But her boots were awesome!
Testing them out, I walked around the store and stumbled upon the most precious section of all. The children’s boots.
For some reason I always find the miniature baby/children’s versions of adult shoes kind of hilarious. Baby cowboy boots get me every time.

Which reminded me, on the Today Show the other day, they were showing the inside of Jenna Bush Hager’s baby girl’s closet.
How precious are those baby girl boots in there?
I had to share. 🙂

But back to browsing I went, determined to find the perfect pair.
I’d lost Patrick by this time … he was off in the men’s section drooling over a pair of Lucchese’s.

I think he found a winner.
And they go great with shorts, don’t ya think? 😉

After a while I kind of had an idea of what exactly I was looking for and I explained it to Kathy, our sales associate. (Who I sadly didn’t snap a photo of, she was precious & wonderful!)
I told her I was looking for a taller pair of boots that almost looked like English riding boots, but had sort of a western touch to them.
She knew just the pair, and quickly returned with these beauties.

Ariat Sahara Boots (on sale too!)

And yep! Suddenly, I knew they were coming home with me.

By the way, isn’t this boot remover nifty?! Sure wish I bought one for the house.
Much easier than my current method of removing my boots which is, “Patrick, please help!”

With a new pair of boots in tow, I’m feeling more and more like a true Texan. Now I just need to get a group together for an evening of boot scootin’ at a Western Dance Hall … kinda like Gilly’s in Urban Cowboy. Any takers?
PS: Sorry for the radio silence last week! Computer issues are the worst. 🙂 But I’m back and at ’em with a lot of goodies to share in the coming weeks. And check back soon for a style post featuring my new boots!
a big thank you to Cavender’s for sponsoring this post!