4 Teddy Coats to Cozy Up In

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How are y’all hanging in there this week? There has certainly been a lot going on in the world lately. I know I’ve been glued to the news and my twitter feed in both shock and horror. On top of the heavy news week, Covid has been raging in Memphis and due to the chilly weather, we’ve found ourselves cooped up indoors more so than usual. Our pleasant weather park days were such a blessing and definitely helped to provide a bit of a distraction from everything going on in the world. Sigh. What I’d give for an early spring and more days spent outdoors. 

Knowing that realistically isn’t going to happen – I kind of reached my breaking point this week. Bennett is going through the four-month sleep regression and on top of that, I think I have finally exhausted myself with news coverage. Combine everything with spending several consecutive days cooped up at home without even stepping one foot outside, I realized something had to change.

I stumbled upon the quote, “There’s no such things as bad weather, only bad clothes.”

A blogger I follow shared this message to encourage getting out and enjoying the winter weather with your children. It was just what I needed to hear. Being outdoors – especially in nature – is what ignites my fire. Even fifteen minutes outside can turn my sour mood sweet.

If things are feeling heavy in your neck of the woods right now too, I encourage you to don your coziest coat and make the most of the chilly winter weather. Whether it be a brief walk around the block, a scavenger hunt with your little ones in the backyard or lunch on a patio wearing several layers of clothing – getting outside and enjoying yourself is so necessary during these crazy times we’re living in right now. 

Unrelated, but kind of related, I’m sharing a few stylish teddy coats from across the web perfect for cozying up in outdoors this season.

Pairing my gray teddy coat with a graphic tee, jeans and booties makes for a quick and easy comfortable outfit for impromptu outdoor winter adventures.

How are you making the most of staying close to home and while also staying sane during these crazy times?! 

xo, alice

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