Holy cow. TODAY is my baby’s due date. A date that has been circled on the calendar for the last nine months. A date that I’ve said over & over & over & over. Well, here we are … it’s January 16th! Officially 40-weeks today. Your guess is as good as mine if little girl will be making her debut today!
Anyway, today I’m sharing my thoughts on 40-weeks, my final bumpdate and what life has been like lately. Plus, I’m styling my maternity countdown tee once again! I can’t believe the last time I posted this top on the blog I was only 15 weeks. (& I thought that was a big bump! #lolz) See the before photos below and the last big update on baby-to-be!

Crossing each number off this top has been seriously so much fun. Each X I would mark with my red sharpie felt just the same as opening the little chocolates in the advent calendar I would get before Christmas as a kiddo. Just as exciting. Albeit, a whole lot longer of a wait!
It was so fun to compare the growth of my belly in the photos I took in this top. I didn’t really do the “weekly” photo thing, which in retrospect that would have been cool! But I do have these photos from the blog post we shot at 15 weeks and the difference is cray-zayyy!!! About 10,000 pastries have been consumed since we shot this post, and my little one packed on at least 7 pounds. I’m certainly feeling fluffier than my old self but I’d do this all over again in a heartbeat for the little girl I have yet to meet!
40-Week Bumpdate
Size: At full-term, baby girl is as large as a whopping watermelon!! INSANE.
Due Date: Today!! But if she doesn’t come on her own by this Sunday, they’ll induce me. So either way, I’ll have her here within a week. So surreal, y’all!
Feeling: Huge. Swollen. Ready for little one’s arrival! My hands, legs, and feet are pretty swollen, same with my face. It’s so strange to (try &) look down at my feet or at my hands and see how big they are. It’s like … “who’s hands are these!?!” I’m still able to wear my wedding ring, but I think I’m going to go ahead and take it off just to be on the safe side. Plus, I hear if you’re having a last-minute c-section, you can’t wear any jewelry anyway.
Oh, another symptom of the third-trimester that I can NOT believe I forgot to mention in the past few bumpdates is heartburn. It’s been so intense these past few months. But finally, 3-4 days ago, it seems baby has dropped and I’ve gotten some relief! (Which has been life changing.)
Cravings: I’m noticing that I’m starting to want the things I used to want all the time before pregnancy. Like salty snacks for example. The sweet cravings that I’d experienced the most throughout pregnancy aren’t as intense anymore. And I haven’t been as hungry either. Give me a bowl of cereal, for any meal, and I’m as happy-as-can-be.
Recent Highlights: Making it full term & reaching our due date!
Up Next: Have a baby! Oh, and celebrate my birthday tomorrow. What are the odds that the two of us will be birthday twins!?
Hospital Bag: Both mine & Patrick’s are all packed and ready to go! Not going to lie, I unpacked my bag and repacked it again yesterday … because I already forgot what was all in there. It’s been so long! But with the weather this week, I guess I needed to repack it anyway. Looks like it’ll be in the upper 70s all week long. That’s January in Texas for ya!
Third Trimester Favorites:
- All of Patrick’s t-shirts, because none of my comfy tops fit me anymore.
- Olive Garden. I guess this could be filed under my “cravings” … but I can’t get enough baked ziti & bread sticks!
- Stretchy leggings. Thank goodness I have two pairs because in these past few weeks they’ve been all I’ve worn at home.
- My snoogle. I thought this pillow was a game changer at the beginning, but I literally could not survive without it now.
- Kindle Paperwhite. One of my favorite Christmas presents is now more useful than ever thanks to pregnancy insomnia. I don’t have to turn the light on in the middle of the night to pick up where I left off in my book, and everybody’s happy!
- Pregnancy Movies. I’ve recently watched What to Expect When You’re Expecting, Bridget Jones Baby & Baby Mama. These movies are now more relatable than ever and have us even more excited for the big day!
I am so thankful that my mom is able to come into town to entertain me this week while I’m waiting patiently on baby’s arrival! The two of us have a bunch of fun backup plans to fill our days if the wait is a bit longer than expected. I’ll be sure to keep you guys updated! This little one is already keeping me on my toes. 😉
And as always, thanks for stopping by the blog!
xo, alice
photos by Lauren Rathbun Photography