I know it’s been a little while since the whole #TheDress debate, but today I’m talking about this not so blue & black and not so gold & white dress for a bit.
This blue and white dress, or what I shall forever refer to as only #TheDress, as it probably and will always be my favorite article of clothing that I have or will ever have owned. (Other than my wedding dress of course!) This blue and white number was waiting just for me in the sale room at Anthropologie the end of the summer season last year.
Purchasing it in mid-October for a steal was totally worth the (very impatient) wait for Spring to arrive. Alas, spring is finally here and I never ever want to take this gorgeous embroidered summer maxi dress off! Sorry hubs! 🙂

photography by lauren beatty
One of the reasons why I think I have fallen so in love with this blue & white dress is because I had a similar styled dress I wore throughout high school & college, (much shorter and much less in fashion today, but still all sorts of amazing.) It was this boho dress blue & white sundress that I actually think I purchased from Victoria Secret of all places. I wore that embroidered summer sundress EVERYWHERE!
This was right on the cusp of Facebook, so you didn’t feel like you had to wear something different each night for fear your friends would plaster the evening’s events all over the internet. Eventually, I grew a little (or the dress shrunk in the wash….that’s what I’m telling myself at least) and it no longer fit the exquisite way it was supposed to fit. That’s when I had the great idea to cut it up and turn it into a peasant style top. Unfortunately, I didn’t really know what I was doing, and I had ruined the dress completely.
Finding what I like to call the “grown up” version of that blue and white dress from my past has made me happy as can be! This is one for the books that I hopefully will be able to pass down to a future daughter one day. Whether she will love it as much as I do, shall be determined!
But for now, I envision myself wearing this pretty dress to a number of summer parties and events, or you know I may just put it on at home and sit on the couch and watch TV in it, just because why not? Also, I vow right here and right now to never try to cut it up or turn it into a top, either!
Get the Look:
In other news, over the weekend I attended Texas Style Council up in Austin. I have SO many wonderful stories to tell ya’ll all about it, but that’ll just have to wait until a bit later! So pop by the blog and be on a look out later this week. 🙂
As always, thanks for stopping by the blog! Don’t forget to follow The Lone Star Looking Glass on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest!